
Creating the Perfect Christmas Dining Table

As the holiday season approaches, it's time to start thinking about how to create the perfect Christmas dining table. A beautifully decorated table can help set the tone for your holiday gatherings and make your guests feel welcomed and special.

20 Ways to Decorate Your Sideboard

A sideboard is a versatile piece of furniture that can be used in a variety of ways. It can be a catch-all for keys and mail, a buffet for entertaining, or a storage unit for linens and tableware. No matter how you use it, a sideboard is a great way to add extra storage and style to your home. Here are 20 tips on how to decorate your sideboard:

A Brief History of Furniture Styles in the UK, 1990's to 2010's

If you're a student in the UK, chances are you've had to move around a fair bit. And if you've had to move around a fair bit, chances are you've had to buy (or at least assemble) a lot of furniture. But have you ever stopped to think about the furniture styles that have been popular over the years? Here's a brief history of furniture styles in the UK, from the 1990's through to 2020's.

The Evolution of Ercol Furniture

Ercol furniture is known for its simple, yet elegant design. The company has been around for nearly a century, and its products have undergone a dramatic transformation during that time. In this blog post, we'll take a look at the history of Ercol furniture and how it has evolved over the years.

How to Dress a Sideboard Like a Pro

A sideboard is a fantastic way to add some extra storage to your home, as well as a touch of style. But if you're not careful, your sideboard can quickly become a catch-all for clutter. Here are some tips for dressing your sideboard like a pro.

How to Prevent Mould in a Wardrobe

Mouldy Wardrobes Begone!

Blog Introduction: No one likes finding mould. It's gross, it's smelly, and it's definitely a sign that something is wrong. When it comes to wardrobes, mould is especially pesky because it can ruin clothes and make your whole bedroom smell musty. Luckily, there are some easy things you can do to prevent mould from taking over your wardrobe. Read on to learn more!

How Long Should Paint Dry Before Putting Furniture Back?

So you've just finished painting your room and you're eager to move your furniture back in so you can enjoy your newly painted space. But before you start lugging everything back inside, you might be wondering: how long does paint need to dry before furniture can be moved back in?

A Brief History of Beds, from Primitive to Modern Day

We all know what a bed is—or at least we think we do. After all, it's just a piece of furniture we use to sleep in, right? Well, as it turns out, there's a lot more to the history of beds than meets the eye. In fact, beds have been around for centuries, and their evolution tells us a lot about the history of human civilization. So, if you're curious about how beds went from being primitive sleeping platforms to the comfortable mattresses we use today, read on!

A Brief History of Furniture Fashion

Just as clothing styles come and go, so too do furniture styles. What was once "in" can quickly become "out," only to come back into fashion again a few years (or decades) later. If you're curious about the history of furniture fashion, read on for a brief overview of some of the most popular styles over the years.

A History of the Wellington Chest

The tallboy, also known as a Wellington chest, first became popular during the 18th century. It was named after Arthur Wellesley, the Duke of Wellington, who used tallboys to store his military uniforms. These tall chests were perfect for maximizing storage space in smaller bedrooms and were often constructed with multiple drawers and compartments.

During the 19th century, advances in technology allowed for tallboys to be made out of new materials such as mahogany and walnut. These materials not only added to the aesthetic appeal of the tallboy but also increased its durability.

Despite their practicality and elegant design, tallboys can still be quite expensive due to their high-quality construction. But if properly cared for, they can last for many years and become a valuable heirloom passed down through generations. So, the next time you're in need of some extra storage space, don't overlook the tallboy—this stylish piece of furniture has stood the test of time for a reason.

A History of Chest of Drawers

 The chest of drawers has been a staple in homes for centuries, but did you know that it wasn't always called a "chest of drawers"? In the 17th century, these furniture pieces were known as "presses," derived from the Old French word "prestre," meaning to press or squeeze. It wasn't until the 18th century that the name "chest of drawers" became commonplace.

But the history of these storage solutions goes back even further. Ancient Egyptians and Greeks used chests with small drawers, while 16th century Europeans used tall, wooden cabinets with drawers for storing clothing and linens. By the 1700s, chest of drawers were being mass produced, becoming more affordable and accessible for the average household.

Today, chest of drawers come in a variety of styles and materials, ranging from vintage to modern and from wood to plastic. No matter the style or material, one thing remains the same: they provide an essential storage solution for our clothes and belongings. So next time you open a drawer in your chest of drawers, take a moment to appreciate the centuries of history behind it.

Table History of the Word

The word table comes from the Old English word tabele, itself derived from the Latin tabula, meaning a flat area, board or plank.

Easter Furniture Fact

Good Friday has traditionally been a public holiday in Britain but, until recently, this did not apply to joiners and carpenters who were expected to treat it as a normal working day. This was regarded as their penance for building the Cross on which Christ was crucified.

What is a Knole Sofa

What distinguishes a knole sofa from its counterparts is that its sides are hinged and can be partially or fully lowered, allowing the occupant to recline or lie flat as desired. When the sides are in the raised position, they are anchored to the back of the sofa with sash cords. The knole sofa takes its name from Knole House, Sevenoaks, Kent where the earliest known example still exists and is on display to the public. A classic Knole sofa is pictured in the photo!

Furniture Towns

Perhaps the British town most associated with furniture making is High Wycombe in Buckinghamshire. It is claimed that in 1875 the town was producing 4,700 chairs a day and even today the town’s football team is known as the ‘Chair Boys.’

Etymology Carpenter

The word carpenter is a Middle English word derived from the Latin carpentarius artifex, literally carriage maker. The carpentum was a simple two-wheeled cart of Celtic origin.

Furniture Fashion

As new items of furniture develop (such as TV cabinets or computer workstations) other items fade into history. The now defunct triclinium for example, was used by the Romans for dining. The triclinium consisted of three couches arranged around a new dining table on which the diners would recline whilst eating their meal – a style of eating that would surely be revived by students if they had enough space and enough sofas!


During the late 19th and early 20th Centuries, a high proportion of London’s cabinet makers were immigrants from Eastern Europe. The tradition of buying furniture from a local cabinet maker became virtually obsolete due to improvements in mass-production techniques.

On a retro note we have now started a few websites which look back at the history of furniture first up is mfi furniture. MFI Furniture site looks at the styles and designs of years gone past with a view on the unique effect MFI had on the furniture industry. Then another name from years gone by Courts Furniture, the designs and methodology that both these companies used are very much alike.

A more contemporary styled site covering very recent furniture industry history will be Land of Leather which will look back at the rise and fall of a major supplier of sofas in the UK.

Cabinets Etymology

The word cabinet is derived from the word cabin, a small hut or, in Latin, cabanna. Hence the word has come to be used for a small room, a private room for a ruler and their advisors – as well as any enclosed piece of furniture.

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Yew Wood Furniture

Yew is a highly attractive wood for furniture making, but the timber must be handled with care during the construction process. All parts of the tree are poisonous and even ingestion of the wood dust created when sanding down can have serious consequences.